
Plenaries, outstanding speakers, parallel sessions, poster sessions, about 300 scientific works presented.

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Download the Program (pdf)





Structure of the conference

Plenary Sessions
Keynote lectureS will be given by Dr. Martin Frick (Director of Climate, Energy and Tenure Division at FAO) and Margarita Astràlaga (Director of Environment and Climate Division at IFAD) […]

Parallel Sessions
Scientific presentations are grouped in six topics: The physics of climate change; Ocean and climate change on the way to COP21; Water, energy and food nexus in agriculture, Climate change and the future of land system and biodiversity; Climate change response actions; COP21, the INDCs and policies to address climate change […]

Poster Sessions
Special areas will be dedicated to the exhibition of posters to provide a further opportunity to present work and projects on climate research. Thanks to the poster sessions authors will have the opportunity to propose and analyze content through a graphical and textual summary, in a communicative context particularly suited to encourage an immediate exchange of opinions and comments among the participants […]