Call for Abstracts

The call for abstract closed on September 30th, 2015



SISC – Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima
in co-operation with AGI – Associazione Geofisica Italiana, AIAM – Associazione Italiana di Agrometeorologia AIEAR – Associazione Italiana degli Economisti dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse naturali, ATIt – Associazione Teriologica Italiana, CATAP – Coordinamento delle Associazioni Tecnico-scientifiche per l’Ambiente ed il Paesaggio, COI – Commissione Oceanografica Italiana, GII – Gruppo italiano di Idraulica, HOS – Historical Oceanography Society, SIDEA – Società Italiana Di Economia Agraria – SIF – Società Italiana di Fisica, SMI – Società Meteorologica Italiana, and UNASA – Unione delle Accademie di Agricoltura

is pleased to open the Call for Abstracts for

Call for Abstracts for
Rome 2015 – Science Symposium on Climate

The Conference is hosted by FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FAO will provide its expertise to ensure that the Conference findings – which are sole responsibility of the organizers — are relevant to member countries goals of food security, sustainable natural resources management and rural development.
The Conference will be held on November 19-20, 2015 at FAO Headquarter (Rome).

The Conference aims to involve scientists, researchers and policy makers to provide a focused summary of the key impacts of climate and climate change on natural and socio-economic environments, and highlight needed response actions and related policies on adaptation and mitigation activities, ahead of the UNFCCC Conference of Parties in Paris, COP21, on Dec 2015.

The main objectives of the Conference will be to summarize the Italian experience on climate research and policy action, within the international setting, and specifically:

A statement from the Italian scientific community will be proposed during the Symposium in order to be presented at the XXI UNFCCC- Conference of the Parties in Paris.










A short abstract (maximum 300 words) should be submitted online in its final version, in English, no later than September 30, 2015 (extended deadline).

Authors are requested to follow the instructions and the format downloadable from the Template webpage, and to choose the type of presentation (oral presentation or poster).

A notification of the acceptance of your work will be communicated to you by October 15, 2015.

All work will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee.


You can find a list of the Scientific Committee’s members at this webpage (click)





For more information, contact the Scientific Secretary at:

and visit the website: