Few days before the COP21 in Paris, the Italian Scientific Community organizes an event in Rome aiming at fostering the international scientific debate on climate change.
ROME2015 – SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM ON CLIMATE (November 19-20, 2015 at FAO Headquarters in Rome) will focus on the multidisciplinary dimension of Climate Sciences in order to address the advances in Climate Sciences, Adaptation and Climate Impacts, Mitigation Strategies.
Scientific societies, Institutions and Associations dealing with the study of one of the most important issue of our times, its impacts and its socio-economic implications, team up their experiences and their expertise and share them with the participation of
- renowned keynote speakers at the national and at the international level
- experts gathering in parallel sessions for scientific multidisciplinary in-depth analyses
- decision makers and experienced people whose activities are related to the scientific knowledge on climate
- Highlight the most relevant results achieved by the scientific community in the field of climate research and policy;
- Provide the scientific knowledge in support of evidence-based public decision in preparation of needed adaptation and mitigation strategies;
- Explore future perspective for the research on climate change;
- Provide a fruitful opportunity for dialogue, exchange of ideas and sharing of experiences within the scientific community and all interested.
ROME2015 – SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM ON CLIMATE is an initiative by
- SISC – Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima
- AGI – Associazione Geofisica Italiana
- AIAM – Associazione Italiana di AgroMeteorologia
- AIEAR – Associazione Italiana degli Economisti dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse naturali
- ATIt – Associazione Teriologica Italiana
- CATAP – Coordinamento delle Associazioni Tecnico-scientifiche per l’Ambiente ed il Paesaggio
- COI – Commissione Oceanografica Italiana
- Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente
- GII – Gruppo italiano di Idraulica
- HOS – Historical Oceanography Society
- SIDEA – Società italiana di economia Agraria
- SIF – Società Italiana di Fisica
- SMI – Società Meteorologica Italiana
- UNASA – Unione delle Accademie di Agricoltura
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FAO – Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations